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What can UniversUm® help with?

  • Setting and achieving personal and work goals.
  • Identifying business problems and finding solutions.
  • Search for "life's work" / purpose.
  • Building a successful business.
  • Building a strong team.
  • Creating a happy relationship.
  • and much more!
Do you want to enjoy your work AND receive high remuneration?
Use UniversUm®!
You will receive a unique tool!
Expand your customer base, learn new ways to help people both in their personal and professional life.
The simplicity of UniversUm® allows it to be used by novice specialists as well as seasoned professionals.

Ludmila Jerih
Author of the UniversUm® method
Professional Coach, Business Trainer, Facilitator
Founder of PRObusiness company

To achieve outstanding results, every person, regardless of career, needs, first of all, an awareness of their mission, values and goals - NOT to develop or improve their skills.

By understanding their true desires and needs, everybody can find a job they love, create happy relationships, and achieve business success.

Asking the right questions is crucial for this.

The UniversUm® coaching technique was created in August 2017 and has repeatedly proven itself in team and individual sessions.
Are you a leader?
Then you perfectly understand that both people and businesses need a reboot.

UniversUm® will help you and your team understand how to proceed, show the direction of ideal business development, identify strengths and highlight areas for growth.
Are you a facilitator?
Expand your arsenal of business tools! UniversUm® has shown excellent results in countless strategic sessions.

Using this innovative approach will give you the opportunity to "enter" a company and develop a business relationship with it.
Are you an experienced coach with clients?
It will be interesting for them to try this new format of coaching - and you can earn more without expanding your client base!
Are you a beginner coach?
This playful technique will help you work with the goals and desires of clients easily and effectively in a session - and you will also quickly grow as a specialist!
Are you a psychologist?
Then you know that not everyone is ready for a consultation. Invite them to play!

After experiencing this novel approach and realizing the need for a deeper study of the request, they will sign up for an individual session.
Are you a Games Professional?
Expand your line of games!

People come to play UniversUm® more than once to try and work through each of their goals and get the energy to achieve them!
Methodology, training, certification
and unlimited support!
- Individual and team sessions offline.
- Individual sessions online.
- Online group sessions in demo and light formats.

This format is for you if you prefer to work offline and plan to host group games and team sessions.
- Individual sessions online.
- Online group sessions in demo and light formats.

This format is for you if your clients are mainly in other cities and countries, and you are used to working with them online.

Box with UniversUm® game (cards, board, dice)
Online Training to work
with business
in offline format
Online Training for individual /
group work
in online format
Online platform access
(12 months)
Placement as Master on the website
Access to the community of Masters (group / chat)
Support from UniversUm
Creator and Masters
Knowledge base access
(webinars, training)
Master Certificate
from €180/monthly installments
from €90/monthly installments
How does the Game take place in a group or individual format?
In individual or group games, participants formulate and voice their desires / goals.
Then they throw the dice and, moving along the playing board, take cards from the decks and work with them with the help of the Wizard.
After each move, an action is formulated that will move the participant closer towards achieving their set goals.
How is a meeting, organisational or strategic session conducted using the UniversUm® methodology?
The team of employees, with the help of the Wizard (as a coach / facilitator), determines the goals and objectives of the session and formulates an image of the final result.

Using the cards of the UniversUm® methodology, the participants answer the questions of the Wizard (who is trained beforehand), finding unexpected answers within themselves.
How many people can participate in a Game at the same time?
A game session can be conducted for one person in the format of an individual consultation or a coaching session (1.5-2 hours)
Game with individual requests - in a group of up to 6 people (3-4 hours)
Business format of an organisational or strategic session - up to 8 people (4-8 hours)
Presentation format or Team mini-session - up to 40 people (1-2 hours)
How to acquire the UniversUm® and become a Wizard?
1. First, contact a representative by filling out a form on this website.
2. Get acquainted with the technique in one of the formats:
- Online meeting in ZOOM with a methodology representative lasting 20-30 minutes. They will show you how the game and online platform look, tell you about the application possibilities, and answer any of your questions.
- Full one-to-one online session. You work with your request for 1.5 hours, experiencing the power of the technique for yourself. This session is paid (if you decide to purchase the technique, the amount will be deducted from the total cost).
3. Pay for the Methodology (in whole or instalments).
4. Get trained. You will learn all the nuances of the game in different formats.
5. You receive the game toolkit and / or access to the online platform and a certificate confirming your right to use the methodology.
6. You are added to the closed group / chat for the Wizards, giving you the opportunity to communicate, share experiences, ask questions and receive answers from both the Author and other Wizards.
How quickly will the investments in the Methodology pay off?
You can calculate this based on the recommended cost (prices depend on the experience / skill of the Master, the duration of the event, the region of the event).

The cost of an individual gaming coaching session is 180-350 euros.
Duration - 1.5-2 hours.
Total 180-350 euros.

The cost of playing in a group with a personal request is 60-180 euros per participant.
Duration 3-4 hours.
Total 120-1000 euros.

Training based on the UniversUm® game - 60-250 euro per participant (2-6 people).
Duration 1,5 hours -2 days.
Total 300-1500 euros.

Organisational / Strategic session / Brainstorming based on the game UniversUm®
Duration 3-8 hours.
Total 550-1200 euro.

In addition, the game often becomes the first step of interaction with a Client, who, after experiencing it once, then orders individual coaching support or team sessions.
Can I give a box with a game to a colleague?
No. You are trained and receive a PERSONAL right to play the game.
In addition, the game box will be personalized with your name.
Learn more about the technique!
Game toolkit
The game has 7 card decks with text and 1 deck of pictures. Each deck contains 120 cards.
    Strong personal qualities, help from colleagues and professional competence is what can help you achieve your goals. Sometimes you don't even realise this!
    Emotions, feelings, states - what you experience in relation to the goal at every stage of achievement. What does this mean? How do feelings affect moving towards the goal?
  • Deck ACTIONS
    How does our behavior affect the speed of achieving the goal?
    What actions are not even worth starting, what is desirable to continue or what must be done on the way to the dream?
  • Deck BELIEFS
    How can thoughts influence the process or outcome of an achievement?
    What has been laid down since childhood? Which beliefs set boundaries and which contribute to achievement?
    Each of us is unique, possessing a different set of personal qualities.
    For a specific task, some qualities help and push you towards the goal, while others can interfere.
    UniversUm® will ask a lot of questions that will make you think about how important the goal is and what will achieve it, what were the limitations before and how best to act now. The answers to these questions will provide a powerful impetus for moving forward.
  • Deck IDEAS
    Valuable thoughts of great people will expand worldview and direct thinking towards finding and realising new opportunities to develop and unleash the potential of both personal and company.
  • Deck Metaphorical Associative Cards (MAC)
    Metaphorical pictures of stunning beauty and hidden detail awaken right-brain thinking, turn on the imagination and extract from the depths of consciousness an understanding of what a person really wants.
What our clients say
  • The game opens people up. It encourages people to be more honest, more open and not afraid to talk about themselves and their feelings. I have a feeling that we have become close.
  • The coaching elements in the game are used in the most amazing way. They help expand horizons and move forward.
  • The game helped me to correctly formulate my goal and task. It is very important for me.
  • Very comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. The game is very interesting, resourceful and it opens you up - you want to talk, you want to reflect.
  • I had a lot of confirmation of what I already understood. I saw a lot of things worth thinking about. Everything became clear, simpler and obvious for me.
  • In the game, you need to be able to ask the right questions. And here the role of the Master is important, as they need to find very precise wording and ask questions competently, calmly and clearly. They definitely help you find your answer without imposing their opinion.
  • The main feeling is openness and simplicity. And you understand that achieving your goals is as simple and easy as playing a game!
  • The game is very simple and straightforward yet, at the same time, very deep in its essence.
  • I admire how deeply the game is thought through in terms of design, quality and content. There are a lot of different questions and ideas in it. You get a lot of discoveries and insights. I can't wait to play more!
  • At the start of the game, I was a bit sceptical about how things would unfold. Little did I know that I would discover the splinter that had so much eluded me. At the end of the session, I felt grateful for the opportunity.
  • I was a little nervy before the start and came loaded with an ongoing family issue. Not without effort but weirdly rewarding, I found new perspectives, remembered old ones which I had forgotten and enjoyed a very thorough and objective session. It has an uncanny knack of finding insight, and I learnt something new. You won't forget UniversUm®!
  • An amazing way to gradually gain insight into what is holding you back and even which steps might be important for you to continue on your path. Next to coaching the magic of the games happens to you; for me a new, fun and interesting approach to coaching!
  • It helped me realise where I need to focus more. I definitely had a few light bulb moments and received inspiration together with new information to look at and explore further.
  • UNIVERSUM® Coaching game: Five Stars! On a practical and user experience level the game is well designed graphically, works very smoothly and is engaging. On a coaching level I was astounded with how accurate it seemed to be in inviting me to consider actions that are very pertinent for me in the here and now.
Our Clients and Partners
Contact us
PRObusiness. Game solutions
8 800 100 73 72

+44 7 497 875 077
United Kingdom

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